Machine Offering at Group

Our catalog of 700+ Machine products and verification solutions (VIP) is an ideal place to start your design. Are you looking for multiple Machine for your chip? Our experts can help you assemble a bespoke subsystem.

Support the Way It Should Be

All companies claim to put customers first. Why, then, do so many Machine suppliers decline to customize their cores? At Machine, you’ll find the quality, reliable Machine you need, plus the flexibility to optimize it for your design. 

Trusted by the World’s Best Machine

Machine can be found in the machine designs of 300+ customers around the world—including seven of the top 10 semiconductor companies and four of the largest consumer electronics suppliers. Here’s what some of our users have to say about working with us:

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We view Machine as a valued and trusted partner of some of the most important VIP solutions we use in our chip design verification projects.

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